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TIER ONE Recognition in ROCCO Research for MNO and Enterprise Edition, Marking Six Years of Top-Tier Performance Across Categories

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By Nicola Wolfram, CEO

5 minute read

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TIER ONE Recognition in ROCCO A2P SMS reports

tyntec, a global leader in mobile communication for enterprises and a catalyst for new revenue streams for operators, is proud to announce its Tier One recognition in the lastest ROCCO A2P SMS reports for both Mobile Network Operator (MNO) and Enterprise Edition. This achievement underscores tyntec’s consistent top-tier performance over six consecutive years across all categories, setting a benchmark in the A2P SMS industry.

tyntec has been rated highest in customer satisfaction and performance leadership in the ROCCO Research A2P SMS reports which are renowned for their comprehensive and rigorous assessment of service providers. The reports included responses from 216 mobile network operators and 100 enterprises, highlighting tyntec’s excellence in service delivery and customer satisfaction.

The graph displaying Top KPIs, as rated by mobile operators through ROCCO Surveys, highlights tyntec's performance with metrics in Performance (4.67), Leadership (4.52), and Overall Rating (4.31), earning them significant recognition over other Tier One providers.

Key Highlights:

  • Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT): tyntec achieved an impressive rating, with 88% of MNOs expressing satisfaction, the highest percentage among competitors.
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS): tyntec also topped the charts with a remarkable score, reflecting strong customer loyalty and advocacy.
  • Performance Leadership: tyntec consistently received high ratings in overall performance from both MNOs and enterprises, cementing its status as a trusted and reliable partner.
A line graph comparing the KPIs of tyntec and other Tier One providers in performance, leadership, and overall rating. Tyntec scores 4.28 in performance, 3.99 in leadership, and 4.06 in overall rating according to ROCCO Surveys.
An image of a smartphone with three speech bubbles showing positive reviews about tyntec's TIER ONE business model, flexibility, helpfulness, and industry expertise, highlighting its Recognition in ROCCO Research.

The feedback from both mobile operators and enterprise customers highlights tyntec’s industry expertise, flexibility, and excellent business model. Enterprise customers especially praised tyntec for being a reliable partner with easily accessible services and a significant contribution to the success of their communication strategies. tyntec’s mission to drive global growth for leading brands by optimizing their mobile journeys and opening up new revenue streams for operators by enhancing network performance and security has directly contributed to winning these awards in both sectors.

A group of people in an office setting with a quote on a blue background that reads,

“We are incredibly honored to again receive this recognition from ROCCO Research,” said Nicola Wolfram, CEO of tyntec. “This achievement is a valuable acknowledgement of the hard work, innovation, and dedication of our team. It reinforces our commitment to delivering exceptional communication solutions and superior customer experiences. As tyntec continues to push the boundaries of innovation in enterprise communications, this TIER ONE recognition motivates our team to further elevate their standards and exceed customer expectations.”