FAQ | WhatsApp Business

Utilize tyntec’s FAQs to help solve any issues you may have. Additionally, learn about cloud communications, CPaaS, SMS for business, authentication, and more. If any questions arise while reading, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Why Were 24 Hours Chosen As the Conversation Window?


WhatsApp Business

Getting Started

Phone Numbers

Business Verification

Integrations & Testing

Message Types & Templates

Your WhatsApp Account

Compliance & GDPR, Opt-Ins


Payments & Billing

ISVs & Technical Integrators

WhatsApp Commerce Policy


Why were 24 hours chosen as the conversation window?

Research indicates that most customer support tickets across industries are resolved in less than an hour when using chat or messaging. However, clients also report that people like the asynchronous nature of communicating with businesses on WhatsApp.

The 24-hour window was defined to provide people and businesses the flexibility to complete a conversation across a broad range of use cases.