
Conversations Inbox | Tutorials | Quick Replies

Learn how to create quick reply messages that help your agents to answer inquiries in a standardized manner.

Quick Replies are a great way to improve response times and answer customer questions faster. A Quick Reply is a predefined message your agents can select with 2 clicks to answer, instead of having to type the same answers over and over again. It’s easy to add quick replies which are available to either only one support agent, every support agent from a specific channel, in all channels, or a specific team.

Create a new Quick Reply

1. Navigate to Settings in your Conversations Inbox

2. Select Quick Replies

3. Select the orange Add button on the top

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3. Choose a name for your quick reply (only lowercase letters, no blank spaces)

4. Enter your quick reply message content, then click on Next

add quick reply 2

5. Choose the availability for your quick reply, then select Next

Note that:

  • ‘Only you’ makes the quick reply only visible to your account
  • ‘Channels’ allows you to make the quick reply available for everyone in the channel
  • ‘Teams’ allows you to select a team in the next step.
add quick reply availability 2

6. Select the ‘Channel’ availability for your quick reply (team specific quick replies automatically inherit the channels available to the team you selected).

add quick reply channels 2

Your Quick Reply is now available in chats with your customers 🎉

Send Quick Reply messages

  1. Open a conversation with one of your customers
  2. In the input field type a backslash ‘/’ to open the quick reply menu 
    a. You can also open the menu by selecting the icon on the right side of the input field
  3. The quick reply menu shows all available quick replies available for the channel
  4. Select any quick reply to prefill the input field
  5. Send the message

Use variables in Quick Reply messages

Quick Replies also support variables that make it even easier to answer in a personalized way. Variables are always defined within two curly brackets {{your_variable}}. 

For each Quick Reply you can associate multiple variables. Edit the Quick Reply to select the variables that should be connected with your Quick Reply. 



Inserts the …


Email address of the contact


Full name of the contact


First name of the contact


Last name of the contact


The phone number of the contact


The reference note saved for the contact


Remarks saved for the contact


Initials of the agents name


Full name of the agent


First name of the agent


Last name of the agent


Name of the channel

Use Message Template for WhatsApp Business in Quick Reply messages

Message Templates are standardized messages used by your business to initiate conversations on WhatsApp. It works similarly to Quick Replies, in the sense that both are standardized, pre-set templates that help agents to communicate faster with your clients.

Message Template (for WhatsApp)

Quick Replies

Used to initiate conversations with customers outside the 24-hour support window

Used to reply to customer inquiries

Undergoes a review process by WhatsApp

Does not need WhatsApp approval

Supports variables

Supports variables

Available only for WhatsApp

Available for all channels

Send templated messages on WhatsApp

  1. Open a conversation on WhatsApp with one of your customers
  2. In the input field type a backslash ‘/’ to open the quick reply menu 

    a. You can also open the menu by selecting the icon on the right side of the input field

  3. The quick reply menu shows all available quick replies and Message Templates available for the channel
  4. Select any quick reply to prefill the input field

    a. If a Message Template requires a media header, like an image or a document, just click the icon next to the ‘Send’ button to upload your file

  5. Send the message.
step21 2

Use variables in Quick Replies / templated messages

In order to use variables in your Quick Replies or templates messages, you just need to edit the Message Template and select the variables you want to connect to each variable in your Message Template.